Monday, September 14, 2009

Hannah destroys...Im working on it.

Hannah and I head to beautiful Lander to climb with a Bryan, Charlie, Carrie and Lea. We ended up climbing at Sinks because it would probably been too cold to climb at Wild Iris. Plus, I have been more psyched on the longer/less tweaky routes at Sinks. On Saturday, after a few warm-ups, and dispatched her 10d mini-proj first go of the day and third over all...Super psyched for her. Charlie worked on her 10b project, getting a few more moves worked out. She knows its all in her head and I am sure she will send next go. Bryan tested out his injured hand (wrecked on his curiser bike, great story) on by flashing the 10d and a 11a. Hannah tried a fun 5.11a called Powderfinger and had to lower because her feet hurt to bad. She is trying to break-in a new pair of shoes. Charlie lent Hannah her shoes that were a little big on here and sent the 11a second go! Mad props! We called it a day and headed to Gannett Grill for some food and drinks.
On Sunday I made a solo trip back to Lander to climb with Bryan and Victor B. I arrived at wolfs house around 10am and the weather was not looking all that great. VB called us from Killer cave sounding pretty optimistic and told us to sackup. So, with nothing better to do, Bryan, Carrie, Lea, and I hiked up to the crag in the rain to meet up with VB. As soon as we got the the cave it stopped raining and the sun came out. Vance and I warmed on on some 10s and 11s and headed into the cave. Bryan took the rest of the crew to a cool 5.8 and a new somewhat dirty 5.9. Vance took a lap on Bush Doctor 12a, Blue Moon 12a, Killer 12c, and ??? 12b that ends before the business in the high roofs. I followed up with a repeat of Blue Moon 12a and flashed the 12b. I was pretty psyched because I haven't climbed any 12s in almost a year and felt like I was getting back in shape after the surgery. We all ended the day on some moderates and headed back to the Grill for food and drinks. Great times.

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