Friday, April 18, 2008

Slow Days

Things are going pretty slow and shitty these last few days. All thanks to a couple of finger injuries. I am blaming my injury on plastic. If I didn't climb/work at a climbing gym and had some self control, I wouldn't be in this mess. I am not going to climb on plastic unless I am training or competing. I will probably not climb for the rest of April. I have been trying to keep myself busy, but it is rough. I did manage to finish bolting my route at the Flaming Gorge Overlook. It's only about 50ft long, but its is very sustained crimping and the crux is that last few moves. I am really psyched to get out there and work on it. I am also psyched to work on my Green River project. Last week I was able to link 8 out of the 15 moves. Shit will go down soon...soon as my fingers are better.

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